Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gotta Start Somewhere...

Boy am I productive.  I created a blog on my lunchbreak.  Why? I haven't a clue. I am an opinionated person but I would definitely not make for good television because I'm boring, conservative, and have I said boring? I am like an old lady--I wait for the mailman (who should be dropping off my latest online shopping fix shortly--YAY), I watch useless TV (Although unlike my Grandma, I have never purchased anything from an infomercial...it is on my Bucket List, so I'll be sure to announce when something worthy comes along.  The Pajama Jean was a solid contender for about 2 weeks), and I'm in bed by 10pm.  SO, I can't promise any hilarious stories of debauchery (Thankfully, blogs got popular AFTER my college years).  But, I can promise that I'll at least write on here once a year because I put a reminder in my BlackBerry for next June--here's hoping I don't lose this BlackBerry between now and then or even that promise will most likely be a bust.

Happy Tuesday
(and as always, GO GATORS)


Jennifer L. Lunny said...
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Kristen Elizabeth said...

My mother (whom I call Mom, Marm, Mommy, Momma, and most recently Marmi) so kindly posted this comment but she included my last name, and I'm not too sure how I feel about that...

To My Dear Kristen Elizabeth Anne, You make me happy! I am thinking of Charles Shultz, original creator of The Peanuts, book Happiness is a Warm Puppy... Just a few stanzas..... Happiness is a thunmb and a blanket... Happiness is an umbrella and a new raincoat... Happiness is a pile of leaves... Happiness is an "A" on your spelling test... Happiness is finding someone you like at the front door... I wish for you to be at my front door soon. Love, Marmi

Jennifer L. Lunny said...

Got it- thanks!